USMH Masking Policy Update

2022 Health policies - thank you - with picture of a mask

As public health conditions on campus and throughout the region have continued to improve over the past few weeks, University System of Maryland Hagerstown is changing current campus requirements for mask usage. Along with the state of Maryland, Washington and Frederick Counties have remained at “low” transmission rates and we have not seen an increased number of cases on campus.

Masks will be optional at USMH as of 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday August 16, 2022. Anyone who feels more comfortable and chooses to continue wearing a mask may do so.

Please be respectful and supportive of individual choices and situations.

We will continue to monitor the safety of campus and we encourage taking prudent precautions. Masks may be required again in the future if conditions change. Please continue to stay home if you are experiencing viral symptoms and contact your supervisor or professors until you are able to determine the nature of your illness and ability to safely to return to activities.

In short:

  • If you are in a meeting or public space with others, we ask that you please socially distance and wear an N95 or KN95 mask if you so choose.
  • Virtual meetings are encouraged in place of face-to-face meetings.
  • If you are in your own office space or alone, no masking is necessary.
  • If you suspect you may have COVID-19, please contact your health care provider.
  • Stay home if you are ill and contact your supervisor.